
You may have missed the news like me...but, the web just passed a mammoth milestone. "There are now 100 million Web sites with domain names and content on them," according to Rich Miller of Netcraft, an Internet monitoring company.

Netcraft uses the domain name system to identify Web sites, check how many of them are in a particular location, which operating system and Web server software they're running, and then publishes its information in a monthly report. There were just 18,000 Web sites when Netcraft, began keeping track in August of 1995. It took until May of 2004 to reach the 50 million milestone; then only 30 more months to hit 100 million, late in the month of October 2006.

The top five nations with the most web sites are: (1) United States: 54,641,322, (2) Germany: 15,029,978, (3) United Kingdom: 6,189,578, (4) Canada: 2,812,669, and (5) France: 2,550,717. The United States, Germany, China, South Korea and Japan show the greatest Web site growth.

Why this tremendous growth$%: "There have been price wars going on in both the domain name and Web hosting industries for some time now, and as a result it's very affordable to create your own Web site, and the tools, the software being offered by these companies are much better," said Miller.

But most importantly is the realization that the Internet now provides new and interesting ways of socially bonding and belonging to a group...something that all of us need. Today, you can share a photo, or a video, or a story, or a joke, or an auction, and even find a mate, by belonging to a group. And, the sharing can take place across vast oceans and large continents in a matter of moments. You don't have to be next door or down the street any longer.

It's way too early to tell if your personal URL will replace your Social Security Number and your legal name, but some celebrities are already planning for the new future. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have already registered domains for all three of their children.

Fueling this change is the use of broadband and the information that it can bring. Now, the computer is always on and the information is always there. Ten short years ago you had to call the bank to get your checking account balance, or visit the bank in person, or wait for your statement to arrive in the mail. Ten years ago baseball box scores and weather forecasts were found in the newspaper or on TV. Now, information is updated and delivered immediately to your computer or a myriad of other hand-held devices of your choosing.

It's just not box scores and weather that people want. People are becoming familiar with the availability of good content and information that they can readily access, consume online, and respond to immediately. They are now having more of their needs filled, whether it's travel, shopping, or all of the other activities that didn't exist to the same degree in the early days of the Web.

Today, individuals and businesses are beginning to recognize that a Web site is the ultimate identifier. As a Mortgage Professional you need to realize quickly the importance of this revelation and set-up your own personal Web site. It isn't good enough to ride in on the coat tails of your employer, or your mortgage broker. You need to establish your personal identity and do it now.

Your personal Web site will give you an opportunity to showcase both your mortgage information and your expertise. It is the perfect platform to express your views, take-a-stand, and state your opinion. It will also be your guarantee that you'll still be participating in the Mortgage Business in the years to come.

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